Airship Industry StudyThere is an ongoing Government interest in the potential of airships for cargo transport; Conducting vertical or near-vertical airlift of heavy, outsized freight with little or no ground infrastructure is an attractive cargo transport option. USTRANSCOM wanted to understand the principal issues that are holding back commercial development of airship transports. NASA Ames Research Center was commissioned by USTRANSCOM to study the airship industry’s ability to design, develop, and operate cargo airships. Principal study objectives were to identify: (1) Current and near term state of the cargo airship industry; (2) Roadblocks hindering cargo airship development; (3) Steps needed to remove impediments to cargo airship deployment.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Hochstetler, Ron (Science Applications International Corp. Sunnyvale, CA, United States)
Chachad, Girish (Science Applications International Corp. Sunnyvale, CA, United States)
Melton, John (NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
January 8, 2018
Publication Date
June 13, 2016
Subject Category
Aircraft Design, Testing And PerformanceAeronautics (General)Systems Analysis And Operations Research