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Audibility of Multiple, Low-Frequency Tonal Signals in NoiseThe main purpose of this study is to examine the audibility of multiple, low-frequency tones that are placed in distinct auditory channels. Three experiments are described, the goals of which are to determine if the presence of sound in multiple channels results in enhanced audibility and to assess the applicability of the Statistical Summation Model (SSM) to this frequency range. This model predicts that for the case of multiple signals that are in separate auditory channels, implying statistical independence, each with sensitivity value d prime of i, the resulting total sensitivity is given by the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual d prime of i values. In common with previous studies conducted at higher frequencies, the signals are pure tones and the maskers are broadband noise. The requirement that low frequency tones be placed in separate auditory filters limited the number of tones to a maximum of three. The first of the three experiments measured the change in masked thresholds for two- and three-tone signals relative to the level of the equally-detectable single tones. The multiple tone signals were composed of combinations of 55, 120 and 200 Hz tones. The measured changes in thresholds exceeded those predicted by the SSM, although they did not differ statistically from the model predictions. The second experiment employed the same overall approach but acquired more data and concentrated on the three-tone signal. Once again, the measured changes in masked threshold exceeded the model predictions, this time to a statistically-significant degree. Two issues were postulated with the potential to yield inflated changes in masked threshold: interaction between tones resulting in perceptible intermodulation/difference tones, and the assumption that the tones were in distinct auditory filters and statistically independent of one another. The third experiment used two sets of three-tone signals to address these latter concerns. The first set of three tones was composed of harmonically related tone frequencies of 55, 110 and 165 Hz, which was an attempt to reduce effects of intermodulation difference tones. The second set of three tones was chosen to be 110, 220 and 330 Hz, again reducing effects of difference tones, but also providing greater separation between tones. Results for the first set of three tones compared to those of the earlier experiments indicated that intermodulation was not an important effect. The second set of three tones (110, 220, 330 Hz) yielded changes in masked thresholds that, on average, were in good agreement with the SSM, although intersubject variability was large and prohibited a definitive conclusion regarding the concern that tone spacing was inadequate. The results of the three experiments showed that the masked threshold of sounds with multiple (two or three) equally-detectable low frequency tones was lower than those of the single tones. In other words, it is clear that audibility is enhanced by the presence of signals in multiple auditory filters. This finding is consistent with most previous research conducted at higher frequencies. In contrast with previous research, test subjects were, on average, able to detect multitone sounds at lower levels than those predicted using the SSM. Analyses that included Monte Carlo simulations showed that normally distributed errors in the single tone thresholds result in biased estimates of the thresholds of multitone sounds. This phenomenon is likely responsible for at least a substantial fraction of the unexpected deviation of measurements from SSM predictions.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Technical Memorandum (TM)
Rafaelof, Menachem
(National Inst. of Aerospace Hampton, VA, United States)
Christian, Andrew W.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Shepherd, Kevin P.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Rizzi, Stephen A.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Stephenson, James H.
(Army Aviation and Missile Research Development Engineering Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
September 26, 2019
Publication Date
September 1, 2019
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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