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A Review of Welding in Space and Related TechnologiesDeployment of welding and additive manufacturing (AM) technologies in the space environment has the potential to revolutionize how orbiting platforms are designed, manufactured, and assembled. These technologies offer the option for repair of sustained damage to habitat structures on space missions, as astronauts would be able to manufacture new parts (using welding-derived AM processes suitable for use in the external space environment) and weld cracks. An added benefit is that required repairs can be achieved more economically, as new parts need not be shipped from Earth. With further maturation of in-space welding capabilities, astronauts could operate under given standards and weld damaged structures rather than rely on cargo resupply. This Technical Memorandum (TM) begins by reviewing the available literature relevant to welding in space, focusing on solidification, heat and mass transfer, and fluid flows in microgravity. This survey considers research on the effects of welding in microgravity on a material system. The various in-space welding devices that have been previously designed and tested are examined to determine their capabilities and shortcomings, with a focus on the results of their individual welding experiments. Safety measures are discussed to protect the orbiting International Space Station (ISS) and crew during welding operations. Finally, the state of the art is examined by focusing on current approaches to AM and on-orbit welding that are being developed by several companies in conjunction with NASA.

Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Technical Memorandum (TM)
Naden, N.
(The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) Huntsville, AL, United States)
Prater, T. J.
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
Date Acquired
April 7, 2020
Publication Date
April 1, 2020
Subject Category
Engineering (General)
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: M-1505
Report Number: NASA/TM-2020-220557
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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