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Sonic Booms in Atmospheric Turbulence (SonicBAT): The Influence of Turbulence on Shaped Sonic BoomsThe objectives of the Sonic Booms in Atmospheric Turbulence (SonicBAT) Program were to develop and validate, via research flight experiments under a range of realistic atmospheric conditions, one numeric turbulence model research code and one classic turbulence model research code using traditional N-wave booms in the presence of atmospheric turbulence, and to apply these models to assess the effects of turbulence on the levels of shaped sonic booms predicted from low boom aircraft designs. The SonicBAT program has successfully investigated sonic boom turbulence effects through the execution of flight experiments at two NASA centers, Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) and Kennedy Space Center (KSC), collecting a comprehensive set of acoustic and atmospheric turbulence data that were used to validate the numeric and classic turbulence models developed. The validated codes were incorporated into the PCBoom sonic boom prediction software and used to estimate the effect of turbulence on the levels of shaped sonic booms associated with several low boom aircraft designs. The SonicBAT program was a four year effort that consisted of turbulence model development and refinement throughout the entire period as well as extensive flight test planning that culminated with the two research flight tests being conducted in the second and third years of the program. The SonicBAT team, led by Wyle, includes partners from the Pennsylvania State University, Lockheed Martin, Gulfstream Aerospace, Boeing, Eagle Aeronautics, Technical & Business Systems, and the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics (France). A number of collaborators, including the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, also participated by supporting the experiments with human and equipment resources at their own expense. Three NASA centers, AFRC, Langley Research Center (LaRC), and KSC were essential to the planning and conduct of the experiments. The experiments involved precision flight of either an F-18A or F-18B executing steady, level passes at supersonic airspeeds in a turbulent atmosphere to create sonic boom signatures that had been distorted by turbulence. The flights spanned a range of atmospheric turbulence conditions at NASA Armstrong and Kennedy in order to provide a variety of conditions for code validations. The SonicBAT experiments at both sites were designed to capture simultaneous F-18A or F-18B onboard flight instrumentation data, high fidelity ground based and airborne acoustic data, surface and upper air meteorological data, and additional meteorological data from ultrasonic anemometers and SODARs to determine the local atmospheric turbulence and boundary layer height.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Armstrong Flight Research Center
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Bradley, Kevin A.
(Wyle Labs., Inc. Arlington, VA, United States)
Hobbs, Christopher M.
(Wyle Labs., Inc. Arlington, VA, United States)
Wilmer, Clifton B.
(Wyle Labs., Inc. Arlington, VA, United States)
Sparrow, Victor W.
(Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA, United States)
Stout, Trevor A.
(Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA, United States)
Morgenstern, John M.
(Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. Palmdale, CA, United States)
Underwood, Kenneth H.
(Technical and Business Systems, Inc. Santa Rosa, CA, United States)
Maglieri, Domenic J.
(Eagle Aeronautics, Inc. Newport News, VA, United States)
Cowart, Robert A.
(Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. Savannah, GA, United States)
Collmar, Matthew T.
(Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. Savannah, GA, United States)
Shen, Hao
(Boeing Company Saint Louis, MO, United States)
Blanc-Benon, Philippe
(Laboratoire de mecanique des fluides et d'acoustique (LMFA) Lyon, France)
Date Acquired
April 17, 2020
Publication Date
April 1, 2020
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NASA/CR–2020–220509
Report Number: AFRC-E-DAA-TN77795
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Single Expert
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