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Air Traffic Management TestBed Data Exchange ModelThe Air Traffic Management (ATM) TestBed is a Platform as a Service that is being developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to help design, configure, integrate, run, and monitor air traffic simulations. The platform is designed to provide cloud services including back-end, big-data analytics tools, on-demand computing resource management, data storage, and communication middleware. The ATM TestBed reduces the time to test concepts and technologies, supports interactions among various methods such as human-in-the-loop and automation-in-the-loop simulations, and enables collaborative simulations by sharing technologies and tools in the ATM community. In order to allow easier access to simulation components, TestBed provides a messaging support layer for connectivity using a consistent set of input/output interfaces. In addition, a standard data format is introduced to facilitate communication between the components. The data exchange model, supported in the messaging support layer, standardizes the format of the information to be exchanged among the components. This document describes the messaging data model currently developed in TestBed and provides data dictionaries for references to component developers as well as simulation engineers.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Technical Memorandum (TM)
Chok-fung Lai
(Ames Research Center Mountain View, California, United States)
Date Acquired
April 23, 2020
Publication Date
May 1, 2020
Publication Information
Publisher: NASA Ames Research Center
Subject Category
Air Transportation And Safety
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: 629660
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
NASA Technical Management
air traffic simulation
data exchange model
data dictionary
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