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An Assessment of Irrigated Agriculture and Drought-related Hazard Risks for the Aral Sea Region
This was part of a larger UNDP/Uzbekistan project on the Aral Sea Region, which is a prominent ecological disaster caused by water diversion and unsustainable land use management. Columbia University CCSR and the Climate Impacts Group are working with the UNDP to explore climate change impacts on irrigated agriculture in the region, particularly with regards to yield changes and drought risk for wheat and cotton systems in the Amu Darya River Basin. My talk described our project plan and described the types of data that we would need from project partners in the country in order to connect our global satellites and models to local conditions.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Alex Ruane
(Goddard Institute for Space Studies New York, New York, United States)
Manishka De Mel
(Trustees of Columbia University)
Jonas Jaegermeyr
(Goddard Institute for Space Studies New York, New York, United States)
Meridel Phillips
(Columbia University New York, New York, United States)
Cynthia Rosenzweig
(Goddard Institute for Space Studies New York, New York, United States)
Date Acquired
April 20, 2021
Subject Category
Meteorology And Climatology
Meeting Information
Meeting: Stakeholder engagement event hosted by the UN Development Program
Location: New York, NY
Country: US
Start Date: March 15, 2021
Sponsors: United Nations Development Programme
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 509496.
Distribution Limits
Use by or on behalf of the US Gov. Permitted.
Technical Review
External Peer Committee
Irrigated agriculture
Aral Sea
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