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Sustained Veggie: A Continuous Food Production ComparisonThe International Space Station’s Veggie system intermittently supplies the crew with fresh produce. To assess the potential for continuous crop production in Veggie and develop a baseline for future space crop production systems, a 120-day study was conducted to determine methodology for inputs, optimal yield, and crew involvement. ‘Amara’ mustard and ‘Red Russian’ kale were grown as initial crops, followed by ‘Extra Dwarf’ pak choi and shungiku as final crops. Previous grow-outs in Veggie have included harvests at 28-35days after initiation. In this study, a 56-day grow-out with multiple harvests from the same plants was compared to the conventional, single harvest Veggie schedule. Unlike previous Veggie studies which grew all plants simultaneously, this test staggered initiation and harvest, aiming for consistent and increased production. Plant pillows were initiated in pairs weekly and positioned to reduce shading. Completed pillows were immediately replaced with fresh ones. The multi-harvest scheme used fewer pillows, totaling 46% less pillow mass than the single harvest method. Scaled to 56-day increments, yield varied by crop and harvest scheme. ‘Red Russian’ kale yielded similarly across harvest schemes. In the multiple-harvest schedule, ‘Amara’ mustard and shungiku yielded 23% to 25% higher, respectively, while ‘Extra Dwarf’ pak choi had43% lower yield. Microbial analysis of the plants indicated no culturable human pathogens. Microbial load of a given plant appears to depend more on system age than plant age. Across harvest methods, aerobic plate counts from final crops were higher than those of initial crops. This project also considered the complexity of crew involvement in a continuous production scenario. New crew procedures that periodically remove plant material from the Veggie root mat are needed under continuous production to prevent potential pathogens and unpleasant odors. This study supports future space crop production scenarios and was funded by NASA’s Human Research Program.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Jess M Bunchek
(Southeastern Universities Research Association Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States)
Aaron B Curry
(Amentum Services, Inc. Los Angeles, California, United States)
Matthew W Romeyn
(Kennedy Space Center Merritt Island, Florida, United States)
Date Acquired
May 3, 2021
Subject Category
Man/System Technology And Life Support
Meeting Information
Meeting: International Conference of Environmental Systems
Location: Virtual
Country: US
Start Date: July 12, 2021
End Date: July 14, 2021
Sponsors: International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES)
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
NASA Technical Management
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