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Improved Estimates of Pentad Precipitation through the Merging of Independent Precipitation DatasetsThree independent, quasi-global, gridded datasets of precipitation (a rain gauge-based dataset, the satellite-only component of the NASA Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement mission [IMERG] Final Run precipitation product, and precipitation estimates derived from NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive [SMAP] soil moisture retrievals), are objectively combined into a single pentad precipitation dataset at 36-km resolution using a unique approach based on extended triple collocation. The quality of each of the four datasets is then evaluated against independent observations. When a global land surface model at 36-km resolution is integrated four times, once utilizing the merged precipitation forcing and once with each of the three contributing datasets, the near-surface soil moisture variations produced with the merged forcing validate best against independent satellite-based soil moisture fields. In addition, the merged dataset is found to be more consistent, relative to each contributor, with estimates of air temperature variations across the globe. The merged dataset thus appears to draw successfully on the complementary strengths of each contributor: the particularly high quality of the rain gauge-based dataset in areas of high gauge density, the more uniform accuracy across the globe of the IMERG data, and the moderate accuracy, particularly in semi-arid regions, of the soil moisture retrieval-based data.

Plain Language Summary Obtaining measurements of precipitation across the globe can be challenging. Rain gauges in some ways provide the most accurate measurements, but gauges are absent in many parts of the world, and even where they exist, they only measure precipitation at the gauge itself and therefore may not provide an accurate large-scale average. Satellite-based estimates of precipitation largely overcome these problems, but such data have their own issues, notably a “snapshot” (rather than a time-average) character of the measurements and difficulty associated with interpreting the measured radiances in the presence of complex land surfaces. In the present paper, we use a novel approach to generate a “merged” dataset, one that optimally combines the gauge precipitation information and the satellite-based precipitation information with a third set of estimates derived from soil moisture retrievals. The merged precipitation dataset and each of the three contributors (aggregated here to 5-day averages at a spatial resolution of about 36-km) are then evaluated for consistency with independent geophysical fields. The merged dataset is found to perform best, a clear indication that it takes proper advantage of the complementary strengths of each contributor and, accordingly, that the presented approach for merging the different contributors is indeed viable.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Accepted Manuscript (Version with final changes)
Randal D Koster
(Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland, United States)
Qing Liu
(Science Systems and Applications (United States) Lanham, Maryland, United States)
Rolf H Reichle
(Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland, United States)
George J Huffman
(Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland, United States)
Date Acquired
May 5, 2021
Publication Date
November 8, 2021
Publication Information
Publication: Water Resources Research
Publisher: AGU/Wiley Online
Volume: 57
Issue: 12
Issue Publication Date: December 1, 2021
ISSN: 0043-1397
e-ISSN: 1944-7973
Subject Category
Meteorology And Climatology
Earth Resources And Remote Sensing
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 437949.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
NASA Technical Management
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