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Material Variability Effects on Damage Development Within Composite Adhesively Bonded JointsUse of composite adhesively bonded joints (ABJ) is of critical importance to the adoption of composite materials in the automotive industry, as ABJ enable lower stress concentrations as compared to conventional mechanically fastened joints. ABJ are better suited for joining composite materials as compared to fastened joints because fastened joints require drilling of holes which locally affect composite material structure. Composite materials and adhesives are subject to unavoidable stochastic local material variations which make different failure scenarios possible. An experimentally tested ABJ configuration is simulated using finite element analysis (FEA). Experimentally, under tension, the joints failed by three major failure modes, with peak loads ranging from 13.0-16.1 kips. Progressive failure analysis tools are used to simulate damage development within each material within the joint. The simulation agreed well with the average experimental peak load. Stochastically occurring adhesive porosity and matrix-fiber micro-disbonding were numerically simulated. The simulations revealed a similar trend as observed experimentally: joints which failed at higher peak loads had lower levels of damage within the face-sheets of the composite panels which were adhesively bonded; these joints which failed at higher peak loads also had greater damage in the doubler of the experimentally tested double lap joint configuration.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Richard Larson
(Old Dominion University Norfolk, Virginia, United States)
Andrew Bergan
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Frank Leone
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Oleksandr G Kravchenko
(Old Dominion University Norfolk, Virginia, United States)
Date Acquired
August 30, 2021
Subject Category
Composite Materials
Meeting Information
Meeting: SPE Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition
Location: Novi, MI
Country: US
Start Date: November 2, 2021
End Date: November 4, 2021
Sponsors: SPE Automotive
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 816088.
Distribution Limits
Portions of document may include copyright protected material.
Technical Review
Single Expert
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