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Hybrid Model Based Approaches for Systems Health Management and PrognosticsThis is a previously approved and published presentation.

To accurately predict the future state of any system, it is required to possess knowledge of its current health state and future operational conditions. Present achievements of data-driven algorithms in regression of complex nonlinear functions and classification tasks have generated a growing interest in artificial intelligence for industrial applications. Complex multi-physics models as well as digital twins, once purely built on physics and corresponding simplified lumped parameter iterations, can now benefit from machine learning algorithms to mitigate the lack of understanding of some complex behavior.

Given models of the current and future system behavior, a general approach of model-based prognostics can solve the prediction problem and further decision-making. In principle, data-driven approaches can replace expensive experimental test-setups as well as reduce the number of simulations needed to explore, e.g., the parametric space of a multi-parameter model. Nonetheless, the limitations of pure data-driven methods came to light rather quickly, at least for some industries. In many industrial applications, data acquisition is costly, and the volume of data that can be collected does not satisfy the requirements for effective model training and cross-validation. Therefore, some recent works in the area of machine learning is focusing on blending physics with data-driven algorithms, thus mitigating the drawbacks of the two approaches and emphasizing respective advantages. Partial physical knowledge of the problem can aid the learning process by “guiding” the algorithm towards efficient solutions that satisfy the physics driving the system behavior. The result is a hybrid modeling approach combining physical knowledge as well data-driven methods to develop a unified hybrid approach.

A hybrid framework for fusing information from physics-based performance models along with deep learning algorithms for prognostics of complex safety-critical systems is presented. In this framework, physics-based performance models infer unobservable model parameters related to the system's components health solving a calibration problem in the deep learning approach.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Chetan S. Kulkarni
(Wyle (United States) El Segundo, California, United States)
Date Acquired
February 22, 2022
Publication Date
February 24, 2022
Publication Information
Subject Category
Aeronautics (General)
Meeting Information
Meeting: KBR Community Of Interest (COI) - Virtual Presentation
Location: Houston, TX
Country: US
Start Date: February 24, 2022
End Date: February 24, 2022
Sponsors: KBR (United States)
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Hybrid Approaches
Predictive Maintenance
Deep Learning
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