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Joint Development Testing of the Integrated Gateway-Esprit Bipropellant Refuelling SystemThe Gateway is an upcoming long term lunar exploration program to be completed by NASA in partnership with ESA and other US and international partners. The system design of the Gateway contains both a high performance Xenon based Solar Electric Propulsion system, as well as a bi-propellant attitude control system. Both propulsion systems are designed for on-orbit refuelling to enable long life performance of the Gateway. The ESPRIT-RM is a module which will expand the pressurized volume of Gateway, while also providing refuelling capability for both the Xenon and Bipropellant propulsion systems, therefore extending the Gateway life on orbit.

As part of the Gateway bi-propellant refuelling system development, a simplified fluidic breadboard system was created to evaluate system performance and response using simulant fluids. The test plan includes verification activities with simulant (water, HFE-7100) to verify joined subsystem behaviour in the critical operations, including propellant transfer demonstration between modules, transient tests and venting tests. Integrated testing will occur at TASUK in collaboration with NASA to support joint verification activities to de-risk the major functions of the ESPRIT Bipropellant Transfer Subsystem (BTS) and the overall CONOPS of the refuelling of the Gateway chemical propulsion system. Initially collected test data is presented and has shown the architected system performance is closing initial design assumptions, but much forward work is identified to continue to characterize and develop the system.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Sebastian Hill
(Thales Alenia Space (United Kingdom) )
Andrew Hughes
(Thales Alenia Space (United Kingdom))
Giancarlo Wellons
(Thales Alenia Space (United Kingdom))
Laura Hoyland
(Thales Alenia Space (United Kingdom))
Brandie Rhodes
(The Aerospace Corporation El Segundo, California, United States)
Adela Han
(Jacobs (United States) Dallas, Texas, United States)
Brian Lusby
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
Pooja Desai
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
Chris Radke
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
Olivier Zagoni
(Thales Alenia Space (France))
Marco Leonardi
(European Space Research and Technology Centre Noordwijk-Binnen, Netherlands)
Date Acquired
March 24, 2022
Subject Category
Propellants And Fuels
Report/Patent Number
SP2022 Paper ID : 393
Meeting Information
Meeting: 8th Edition of the Space Propulsion Conference
Location: Estoril
Country: PT
Start Date: May 9, 2022
End Date: May 13, 2022
Sponsors: European Space Agency
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 651937.06.03.72
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Single Expert
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