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Effects of Unmanned Aircraft Voice Communication Delay on En Route Air Traffic Management OperationsThe present study investigated the effects of remotely piloted unmanned aircraft (UA) voice communication delay on air traffic management operations with different background sector traffic-volume levels. Three one-way UA voice delay lengths of 400, 900, and 2,000 milliseconds (ms) were tested, representing the currently estimated transmission delays for terrestrial, satellite communication (SATCOM), and long SATCOM Command and Control Link System, respectively. All delay values exceeded 390 ms, the FAA’s current requirement for the maximum communication latency in the National Airspace System. Eight retired en route air traffic controllers (ATCs) and eight remote pilots (RPs) participated in a human-in-the-loop simulation study, where a simulated UA flight transitioned through an Oakland en route low-altitude sector to a local non-towered airport. The results showed that, when the 2,000-ms voice delay was present, radio transmission step-ons and detect-and-avoid (DAA) alert level elevations increased. In addition, ATC workload, ATC acceptability for the UA, and RP acceptability for the DAA were negatively affected only when the UA had a 2,000-ms voice delay under the high traffic-volume condition, but not in the other conditions.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Miwa Hayashi
(Ames Research Center Mountain View, California, United States)
Jillian Keeler
(Ames Research Center Mountain View, California, United States)
Cynthia A Wolter
(San Jose State University San Jose, California, United States)
Wayne W. Bridges
(Flight Research Associates, Inc. Moffett Field, CA)
Date Acquired
April 23, 2022
Publication Date
June 27, 2022
Publication Information
Subject Category
Air Transportation And Safety
Meeting Information
Meeting: AIAA Aviation Forum
Location: Chicago, IL & Online
Country: US
Start Date: June 27, 2022
End Date: July 1, 2022
Sponsors: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: 629660
Distribution Limits
Portions of document may include copyright protected material.
Technical Review
NASA Technical Management
remotely piloted unmanned aircraft, voice delay, separation, human factors
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