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Radiation and Fault Tolerance for Neuromorphic Computing• The solar wind emanating from the sun is a stream of energetic electrons and protons and ions that are the primary ionizing radiation contributions.

• The Earth’s magnetosphere significantly reduces radiation exposure and mutes the effects of solar flares out to 65K Km orbital altitude.

• The radiation environment is highly dependent upon mission profile: for example geosynchronous orbits can see 50 times the radiation dose of a polar orbit due to reduction of
atmospheric/magnetospheric shielding.

• In LEO, the magnetosphere shields the Earth by creating trapped Van Allen radiation belts consisting of electrons and protons, which create a challenging radiation environment confined to specific regions.

• Even for LEO, radiation dose can vary by a factor of 30 or more from a quiet sun to a solar flare.

• Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) are also present at very high energy, but at low rates.

• Radiation effects on semiconductors are highly dependent upon particles species, energy and

• Therefore, radiation tolerance requirements will vary with mission profile and duration.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Rick Alena
(Ames Research Center Mountain View, California, United States)
Date Acquired
August 2, 2022
Subject Category
Computer Operations And Hardware
Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence And Robotics
Space Radiation
Meeting Information
Meeting: Presentation Overview Rev A
Location: Virtual
Country: US
Start Date: August 24, 2022
Sponsors: Ames Research Center
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 969115.04.36.21
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
NASA Peer Committee
Space Radiation
Avionics Requirements and ARchitecture
Electronic Devices
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