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Assessment of Two Stochastic Cloud Subcolumn Generators Using Observed Fields of Vertically Resolved Cloud ExtinctionWe evaluate two stochastic subcolumn generators used in GCMs to emulate subgrid cloud variability enabling comparisons with satellite observations and simulations of certain physical processes. Our evaluation necessitated the creation of a reference observational dataset that resolves horizontal and vertical cloud variability. The dataset combines two CloudSat cloud products that resolve two-dimensional cloud optical depth variability of liquid, ice, and mixed phase clouds when blended at ~200 m vertical and ~ 2 km horizontal scales. Upon segmenting the dataset to individual “scenes”, mean profiles of the cloud fields are passed as input to generators that produce scene-level cloud subgrid variability. The assessment of generator performance at the scale of individual scenes and in a mean sense is largely based on inferred joint histograms that partition cloud fraction within predetermined combinations of cloud top pressure –cloud optical thickness ranges. Our main finding is that both generators tend to underestimate optically thin clouds, while one of them also tends to overestimate some cloud types of moderate and high optical thickness. Associated radiative flux errors are also calculated by applying a simple transformation to the cloud fraction histogram errors, and are found to approach values almost as high as 3 Wm-2 for the cloud radiative effect in the shortwave part of the spectrum.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Accepted Manuscript (Version with final changes)
Lazaros Oreopoulos
(Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland, United States)
Nayeong Cho
(Universities Space Research Association Columbia, Maryland, United States)
Dongmin Lee
(Morgan State University Baltimore, Maryland, United States)
Matthew Lebsock
(Jet Propulsion Lab La Cañada Flintridge, California, United States)
Zhibo Zhang
(University of Maryland, Baltimore County Baltimore, Maryland, United States)
Date Acquired
August 10, 2022
Publication Date
August 1, 2022
Publication Information
Publication: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Publisher: AMS (American Meteorological Society)
Volume: 39
Issue: 8
Issue Publication Date: August 1, 2022
ISSN: 0739-0572
e-ISSN: 1520-0426
Subject Category
Geosciences (General)
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 967701.
CONTRACT_GRANT: 80NM0018D0004P00002
Distribution Limits
Use by or on behalf of the US Gov. Permitted.
Technical Review
External Peer Committee
cloud variability
satellite observations
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