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Youngstown and Warren Disasters: Mapping Flood Susceptibility, Vulnerability, and Risk and Tree Canopy Coverage in Northern Ohio to Inform Stormwater Management and Flood Mitigation EffortsBoth pluvial and fluvial flooding events pose direct challenges on urban infrastructure and communities across the United States. Heavy rainfall events oversaturate the ground, overflow waterbodies, and overwhelm stormwater infrastructure. Vulnerable areas receive heavy damage from flooding events due to physical factors like increased impervious surfaces, poor stormwater systems, and limited greenspaces. These vulnerable neighborhoods are comprised of aging populations, minority communities, and lower income levels. Lack of data in these communities have made it difficult to implement policymaking and flood mitigation strategies. Using the Urban Flood Risk Mitigation model (InVEST) and the PlanetScope satellite constellation, the team visualized historical flooding and tree canopy coverage as a measure of flood susceptibility. The team also used the Arc-Malstrom model to provide further insight into where flooding accumulates via surface elevation depressions in the study area. To validate these models, the team explored the spatial variation of rainfall events using NASA’s Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM IMERG). The resulting maps highlight areas surrounding the cities of Youngstown and Warren as being the most flood susceptible and socially vulnerable, while the city centers contain the lowest tree canopy coverage. The DEVELOP team collaborated with the Environmental Collaborative of Ohio (ECO) to create products for end users within the City of Warren’s Water Pollution Control Department, the Eastgate Regional Council of Governments and the Healthy Community Partnership of Mahoning Valley. These products help identify target areas for preventative flood mitigation measures as well as areas ideal for green infrastructure intervention.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Other - DEVELOP Technical Report (Fall 2022)
Lauren Mahoney
(Science Systems and Applications (United States) Lanham, Maryland, United States)
David Henriques
(Science Systems and Applications (United States) Lanham, Maryland, United States)
Nada Haddad
(Science Systems and Applications (United States) Lanham, Maryland, United States)
Thomas Ferrell
(Science Systems and Applications (United States) Lanham, Maryland, United States)
Date Acquired
December 27, 2022
Publication Date
January 13, 2023
Subject Category
Earth Resources And Remote Sensing
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 970315.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Professional Review
InVEST Urban Flood Risk Mitigation Model
urban flooding
tree canopy cover
flood vulnerability
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