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Artemis I Orion IMU Flight PerformanceThe Orion flight software’s parity algorithm runs onboard to verify all three OIMUs (Orion Inertial Measurement Units) are sensing relatively uniform rate and acceleration and to quickly identify any unit which is in significant disagreement with the other two units. During the Artemis-I Wet Dress Rehearsal tests and Launch Countdowns, one of the three OIMUs regularly reported an anomalous parity signature for a brief period of time during sensor warm up. This paper will review this anomalous performance on the pad and review flight data with the intent to supplement the findings of the initial root cause investigation. Outside of this start up behavior, initial investigation into Artemis I flight data did not reveal any behavior of the OIMUs outside of preflight expectations. Flight data from any significant parity events and relevant IMU calibrations will be presented. A brief discussion of impacts to future Artemis mission operations strategy will be provided.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Robert Earl
(Lockheed Martin (United States) Bethesda, Maryland, United States)
Kyle Smith
(Draper Laboratory Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States)
John McGregor
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
Date Acquired
January 31, 2023
Subject Category
Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
Meeting Information
Meeting: 45th Rocky Mountain AAS GN&C Conference
Location: Breckenridge, CO
Country: US
Start Date: February 2, 2023
End Date: February 8, 2023
Sponsors: American Astronautical Society
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 747797.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Single Expert
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