Using AI/ML to Address Satellite Cloud Remote Sensing ChallengesVarious AI/ML tools, employed within the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Satellite Cloud and Radiation Property retrieval System (SatCORPS) project, are being used to mitigate satellite radiance artifacts and thereby yield more accurate cloud and radiation data products. Neural network and K-nearest neighbor approaches have been developed that enable us to better address common passive satellite remote sensing challenges, such as corrupted imagery, day/night cloud property discontinuities, solar terminator artifacts, inadequate knowledge of the land surface emission temperature (i.e., skin temperature), and poor assumptions about vertical cloud structure, that have otherwise proven difficult to solve using more conventional methods. Fixing these problems promotes a more consistent Earth radiation budget record. These efforts demonstrate effective use of AI/ML architecture to exploit complex, multivariate predictor relationships and produce usable output at satellite spatial and temporal resolutions that would otherwise be ignored or have large biases.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Benjamin Scarino (Science Systems & Applications, Inc. Hampton, VA, USA)
William L. Smith Jr. (Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
David R. Doelling (Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Date Acquired
March 13, 2023
Subject Category
Earth Resources and Remote Sensing
Meeting Information
Meeting: 3rd SMD and ETD Workshop on AI and Data Science: Leaping Toward our Future Goals