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Diffusion in Melts and MagmasDiffusion results from random motion of particles and entities. Diffusion in melts and magmas is due to thermally excited random motion of atoms, ions, and clusters, and plays a critical role in magmatic and volcanic processes. In melts and magmas, diffusion is one of the two mechanisms of mass transfer; the other being bulk flow (referred to as convection or advection). When both are present, diffusion refers to the dispersive motion relative to the mean bulk flow in a given reference frame (Richter et al. 1998). Diffusion plays critical roles in controlling magma mixing (Watson 1982; Koyaguchi 1985, 1989; Lesher 1994; Huber et al. 2009; Guo and Zhang 2020), mineral growth and dissolution rates in magmas (e.g., Watson 1982; Harrison and Watson 1983; Zhang et al. 1989; Newcombe et al. 2014; Macris et al. 2018), bubble growth and dissolution rate in magmas (Sparks 1978; Proussevitch and Sahagian 1998; Liu and Zhang 2000; Zhang 2013), and elemental and isotope fractionation during mineral 2 growth and dissolution (Jambon 1980; Richter et al. 1999, 2003; Watson and Muller 2009; Chopra et al. 2012; Watkins et al. 2014, 2017; Holycross et al. 2016, 2018). As a result, diffusion also plays an essential role in explosive volcanic eruptions and magma crystallization. Furthermore, diffusion has important applications in geospeedometry (Lasaga 1983, 1998; Zhang 1994, 2008; Trail et al. 2016; Zhang and Xu 2016).

Experimental investigation of diffusion in geologically relevant silicate melts began to flourish in the 1970’s when micro-analytical measurements of diffusion profiles became available. In addition to the vast number of papers published since then, numerous books and reviews are available for diffusion in silicate melts. Hofmann et al. (1974) edited a book titled “Geochemical Transport and Kinetics” published by Carnegie Institution of Washington. This was the first landmark book summarizing the field. Lasaga and Kirkpatrick (1981) edited a book “Kinetics of Geochemical Processes” as volume 8 of the Reviews in Mineralogy (later becoming Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry) series. Zhang and Cherniak (2010) edited “Diffusion in Minerals and Melts” as volume 72 of Reviews of Mineralogy and Geochemistry series, in which one chapter focused on diffusion theory, five chapters on diffusion in silicate melts (Behrens 2010; Lesher 2010; Liang 2010; Zhang and Ni 2010; Zhang et al. 2010), and other chapters were on experimental, analytical, and computational methods, and diffusion in minerals. Several textbooks covered the principles and applications of diffusion theories (Kirkaldy and Young 1987; Shewmon 1989; Cussler 1997; Lasaga 1998; Zhang 2008; Vrentas and Vrentas 2016), and two classic books covered the mathematics of diffusion (Carslaw and Jaeger 1959; Crank 1975). In preparing for this review chapter, we thought carefully about what to cover for this vast field, and decided to briefly go through the fundamentals of diffusion (more complete review can be found in Chakraborty 1995; Zhang 2008, 2010) and solutions to often-encountered 3 diffusion problems, and then focus on post-2010 diffusion studies on silicate melts and magmas. Here, melts refer to (mostly natural) silicate liquid, and magmas refer to crystal-bearing and/or bubble-bearing melts in which the continuous phase is the melt. There is a large body of work on diffusion in glasses, especially in the materials science literature, which is not covered in this review.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
2230 Support
Document Type
Accepted Manuscript (Version with final changes)
Youxue Zhang
(University of Michigan–Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Ting Gan
(University of Michigan–Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Date Acquired
April 19, 2023
Publication Date
May 1, 2022
Publication Information
Publication: Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Publisher: Geochemical Society
Volume: 87
Issue: 1
Issue Publication Date: May 1, 2022
ISSN: 1529-6466
Subject Category
Geosciences (General)
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Use by or on behalf of the US Gov. Permitted.
Technical Review
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