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Toughness Testing for Liquid Hydrogen And Helium Temperatures - Validation of Austenitic Stainless Steels for 4K (-452F) UseThis presentation is an Existing Code Requirement: Charpy impact test at a temperature no higher than the design minimum temperature. The Current Practice: is not clear, the indications are that testing is sometimes performed at -320F (liquid nitrogen or "LN2") for that and all lower temperatures. In some cases testing is probably not performed and CGA indicated successful operation of systems at -453F without required test. The Ballot activity: C&S Connect Record 13-341, Ballot 13-1746, initially proposed Charpy testing (lateral expansion criteria) at -320F to validate use at -425 (liquid helium or "LHe"). and PTCS Proposal..
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Greulich, Owen R.
(NASA Headquarters Washington, DC United States)
Lambert, Dennis M.
(Jacobs Technology, Inc. Huntsville, AL, United States)
Tang, Xiaoli (Shelly)
(Swagelok Company Solon, OH, United States)
Sahici, Selin
(ASME Standards Technology, LLC New York, NY, United States)
Date Acquired
October 24, 2018
Publication Date
September 17, 2018
Subject Category
Chemistry And Materials (General)
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code Meeting
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Country: United States
Start Date: September 17, 2018
End Date: September 19, 2018
Sponsors: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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