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Structural and Functional Adaptation of the Vestibular Otolith to Altered Gravity from Microgravity to HypergravityInertial acceleration and a change in head orientation with respect to gravity are sensed by mechanosensitive receptors in the inner ear otolith organs. These structures consist of calcium carbonate grains called otoconia that mechanically load the hair cell bundles and distribute the tangential shear force during movement, and changes in their density can alter hair cell sensitivity. A possible adaptive response to a chronic gravity change is a change in weight-lending otoconia. Another mechanism is a modification of the strength and number of synapses coupling the hair cells to nerve afferents that convey the signals into the brain. Here, we present the results obtained in 2 species exposed both to µG (microgravity) and hyper-gravity (HG). Adult toadfish, Opsanus tau, were exposed to µG (microgravity) in 2 shuttle missions and to 1.12-2.24G (force of gravity) [resultant] centrifugation for 1-32 days; readaptation was studied following 1-8 days after return to 1G. Results show a biphasic pattern in response to 2.24G: initial hypersensitivity, similar to that observed after µG (microgravity) exposure, followed by transition to a significant decrease at 16-32 days. Recovery from HG exposure is approximately 4-8 days. Two major pieces of information are still needed: vertebrate hair cell response to altered gravity and impact of longer duration exposures on sensory plasticity. To address the latter we applied electron microscopic techniques to image otoconia mass obtained from 1) mice subjected to 91-days of µG (microgravity) in the Mouse Drawer System (MDS) flown on International Space Station, 2) mice subjected to 91-days of 1.24G centrifugation on ground, and 3) mice flown on 2 shuttle missions. Images from MDS mice indicate a clear restructuring of individual otoconia, suggesting deposition to the outer shell. Images from their HG ground counterparts indicate the converse - an ablation of the otoconia mass. For 13-day exposures to µG (microgravity) mice otoconia appear normal. Despite the permanence of gravity in evolution the animal senses exposure to a novel, non-1G, environment and adaptive mechanisms are initiated - in the short term compensation is likely confined to the peripheral sensory receptors, the brain or both. For longer exposures structural modifications of the otolith mass may also result.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Boyle, Richard
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
May 29, 2019
Publication Date
May 26, 2019
Subject Category
Life Sciences (General)
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: ARC-E-DAA-TN67866
Meeting Information
Meeting: Annual International Society for Gravitational Physiology Meeting (ISGP 2019)
Location: Nagoya
Country: Japan
Start Date: May 26, 2019
End Date: May 31, 2019
Sponsors: International Society for Gravitational Physiology
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
NASA Peer Committee
Hair Cell
Afferent Nerve
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