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Regularization for Atmospheric Temperature Retrieval ProblemsPassive remote sensing of the atmosphere is used to determine the atmospheric state. A radiometer measures microwave emissions from earth's atmosphere and surface. The radiance measured by the radiometer is proportional to the brightness temperature. This brightness temperature can be used to estimate atmospheric parameters such as temperature and water vapor content. These quantities are of primary importance for different applications in meteorology, oceanography, and geophysical sciences. Depending on the range in the electromagnetic spectrum being measured by the radiometer and the atmospheric quantities to be estimated, the retrieval or inverse problem of determining atmospheric parameters from brightness temperature might be linear or nonlinear. In most applications, the retrieval problem requires the inversion of a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind making this an ill-posed problem. The numerical solution of the retrieval problem requires the transformation of the continuous problem into a discrete problem. The ill-posedness of the continuous problem translates into ill-conditioning or ill-posedness of the discrete problem. Regularization methods are used to convert the ill-posed problem into a well-posed one. In this paper, we present some results of our work in applying different regularization techniques to atmospheric temperature retrievals using brightness temperatures measured with the SSM/T-1 sensor. Simulation results are presented which show the potential of these techniques to improve temperature retrievals. In particular, no statistical assumptions are needed and the algorithms were capable of correctly estimating the temperature profile corner at the tropopause independent of the initial guess.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Velez-Reyes, Miguel
(Puerto Rico Univ. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico)
Galarza-Galarza, Ruben
(Puerto Rico Univ. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico)
Date Acquired
August 20, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1997
Publication Information
Publication: NASA University Research Centers Technical Advances in Education, Aeronautics, Space, Autonomy, Earth and Environment
Volume: 1
Subject Category
Meteorology And Climatology
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: URC97130
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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