Concepts and Approaches for Mars ExplorationThis volume contains extended abstracts that have been accepted for presentation at the Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration (Part 1) workshop, July 18-20, 2000.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
July 1, 2000
Publication Information
Publication: Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration
Subject Category
Space Transportation And Safety
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration
IDRelationTitle20010023086WorkDescribing and Measuring the Chemical Signatures of Life20010023138WorkMars Communication Protocols20010023092WorkMartian Magmatic-Driven Hydrothermal Sites: Potential Sources of Energy, Water, and Life20010023065WorkMars Exploration 2003 to 2013: An Integrated Perspective20010023127WorkA New Generation of Telecommunications for Mars: The Reconfigurable Software Radio20010023101WorkExploration of Mars Using Aerial Platforms20010023044WorkA Network Mission: Completing the Scientific Foundation for the Exploration of Mars20010023064WorkA Reliable Earth Return System for Safe Recovery of Mars Samples20010023070WorkMars Scout: Micromissions to Investigate Martian Environments20010023083WorkDetection and Characterization of Martian Volatile-Rich Reservoirs: The Netlander Approach20010023037WorkPhoning Home from Mars in 202520010023136WorkMars Sample Return without Landing on the Surface20010023128WorkTask Adaptive Walking Robots for Mars Surface Exploration20010023057WorkHow to Access and Sample the Deep Subsurface of Mars20010023069WorkMars Stratigraphy Mission20010023103WorkElectrical Charging Hazards Originating from the Surface (ECHOS): Understanding the Martian Electro-Meteorological Environment20010023123WorkMarsLab: A HEDS Lander Concept20010023133WorkA Balanced Model for Exploration of the Terrestrial Planets: Lessons from the Lunar Experience20010023046WorkStrategic Planning for Exploration of the Martian Subsurface20010023060WorkScouts: Using Numbers to Explore Mars In Situ20010023129WorkRobotic Precursor Missions for Mars Habitats20010023120WorkA Mars Exploration Discovery Program20010023137WorkIn-Situ Resource Utilization: Laying the Foundation for "Living off the Land"20010023124WorkThe Mars Environmental Compatibility Assessment (MECA)20010023047WorkThe Athena Pancam and Color Microscopic Imager (CMI)20010023072WorkMars Science with Small Aircraft20010023144WorkIn-Situ Planetary Chemical Analysis20010023039WorkClean and Cold Sample Curation20010023112WorkAcousto-Optic Imaging Spectrometers for Mars Surface Science20010023126WorkRegolith Evolved Gas Analyzer (REGA): An Instrument to Characterize the Martian Soil Mineralogy and Atmosphere Composition20010023038WorkProposed Science Requirements and Acquisition Priorities for the First Mars Sample Return20010023134WorkRemotely-Sensed Geology from Lander-Based to Orbital Perspectives: Results for FIDO Rover Field Tests20010023094WorkMartian Chronology: Goals for Investigations from a Recent Multidisciplinary Workshop20010023118WorkThe Pascal Discovery Mission: A Mars Climate Network Mission20010023113WorkStrategy for the Exploration of Mars20010023087WorkIn-Situ Environmental Measurements Needed for Future Mars Missions20010023074WorkA Review of New and Developing Technology to Significantly Improve Mars Sample-Return Missions20010023100WorkMartian Surface Boundary Layer Characterization: Enabling Environmental Data for Science, Engineering and Human Exploration20010023111WorkBeagle 2 and NASA's Mars 2003 Orbiter: A Unique Exobiology Opportunity with an Orbiter20010023088WorkEnd-To-End Risk Assesment: From Genes and Protein to Acceptable Radiation Risks for Mars Exploration20010023067WorkElemental, Isotopic, and Organic Analysis on Mars with Laser TOF-MS20010023042WorkFIDO Field Trials in Preparation for Mars Rover Exploration and Discovery and Sample Return Missions20010023066WorkMars Exploration 2003 to 2013 - An Integrated Perspective: Time Sequencing the Missions20010023135WorkExploring Mars with Balloons and Inflatable Rovers20010023075WorkThe DYNAMO Orbiter Project: High Resolution Mapping of Gravity/Magnetic Fields and In Situ Investigation of Mars Atmospheric Escape20010023043WorkMOD: An Instrument for the 2005 Mars Explorer Program HEDS Payload20010023115WorkMars Aerobot Missions20010023097WorkFlight Validation of Mars Mission Technologies20010023106WorkMars Oxidant: Proof of Concept and Quantitative Analysis20010023143WorkA Sample Return Container with Hermetic Seal20010023093WorkMechanical Abrasion as a Low Cost Technique for Contamination-Free Sample Acquisition from a Category IVA Clean Platform20010023073WorkOrbital SAR and Ground-Penetrating Radar for Mars: Complementary Tools in the Search for Water20010023099WorkMars Network: Strategies for Deploying Enabling Telecommunications Capabilities in Support of Mars Exploration