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An Analysis of the Corridor and Guidance Requirements for Supercircular Entry into Planetary AtmospheresAn analysis is presented of supercircular entry into a planet's atmosphere giving particular attention to the corridor through which spacecraft must be guided in order to accomplish various maneuvers. A dimensionless parameter based on conditions at the conic perigee altitude is introduced for characterizing supercircular entries and conveniently pre-scribing corridor widths associated with elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic approach trajectories. The analysis applies to vehicles of arbitrary weight, shape, and size. Illustrative calculations are made for Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Titan. For nonlifting vehicles having fixed aerodynamic coefficients, curves are presented of dimensionless parameters from which can be calculated the maximum deceleration, maximum rate of laminar convective heating, and total laminar heat absorbed during single-pass entry at velocities up to twice circular velocity. For lifting vehicles, curves are presented of the maximum deceleration and overshoot boundary of an entry corridor; equations are presented for estimating laminar aerodynamic heating from the maximum deceleration. It is shown that the corridor width is independent of vehicle weight, dimensions, and drag coefficient, provided these are the same at the overshoot boundary as at undershoot. The corridors of certain planets can be broadened markedly by the application of aerodynamic lift; for example, the 10-earth-g corridor width for single- pass, nonlifting, parabolic entry is increased from 0 miles for Jupiter, 7 for Earth, and 8 for Venus, to 52, 51, and 52 miles, respectively, by employing a lift-drag ratio of 1. The use of aerodynamic lift does not increase appreciably the corridors of Mars and Titan. All corridor widths decrease rapidly as the entry velocity is increased. Terminal guidance requirements on accuracy of velocity and flight path angle for successfully entering various corridors are compared with analogous requirements for putting a satellite into orbit, for hitting the moon from the earth, and for achieving ICBM accuracy. Consideration is given to the terminal guidance problem involved in using a planet's atmosphere-rather than rocket fuel-to effect orbital transfers from heliocentric to planetocentric motion, thereby converting a hyperbolic approach trajectory to an elliptic orbit about the target planet. This fuel saving maneuver appears technologically feasible for certain planetary voyages, and implies the possibility of achieving a large reduction in required Earth lift-off weight of chemical propulsion systems.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Other - NASA Technical Report (TR)
Chapman, Dean R.
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 21, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1960
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NASA-TR-R-55
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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