NASA Tech Briefs, October 2008Topics covered include: Control Architecture for Robotic Agent Command and Sensing; Algorithm for Wavefront Sensing Using an Extended Scene; CO2 Sensors Based on Nanocrystalline SnO2 Doped with CuO; Improved Airborne System for Sensing Wildfires; VHF Wide-Band, Dual-Polarization Microstrip-Patch Antenna; Onboard Data Processor for Change-Detection Radar Imaging; Using LDPC Code Constraints to Aid Recovery of Symbol Timing; System for Measuring Flexing of a Large Spaceborne Structure; Integrated Formation Optical Communication and Estimation System; Making Superconducting Welds between Superconducting Wires; Method for Thermal Spraying of Coatings Using Resonant-Pulsed Combustion; Coating Reduces Ice Adhesion; Hybrid Multifoil Aerogel Thermal Insulation; SHINE Virtual Machine Model for In-flight Updates of Critical Mission Software; Mars Image Collection Mosaic Builder; Providing Internet Access to High-Resolution Mars Images; Providing Internet Access to High-Resolution Lunar Images; Expressions Module for the Satellite Orbit Analysis Program Virtual Satellite; Small-Body Extensions for the Satellite Orbit Analysis Program (SOAP); Scripting Module for the Satellite Orbit Analysis Program (SOAP); XML-Based SHINE Knowledge Base Interchange Language; Core Technical Capability Laboratory Management System; MRO SOW Daily Script; Tool for Inspecting Alignment of Twinaxial Connectors; An ATP System for Deep-Space Optical Communication; Polar Traverse Rover Instrument; Expert System Control of Plant Growth in an Enclosed Space; Detecting Phycocyanin-Pigmented Microbes in Reflected Light; DMAC and NMP as Electrolyte Additives for Li-Ion Cells; Mass Spectrometer Containing Multiple Fixed Collectors; Waveguide Harmonic Generator for the SIM; Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator with Orthogonally Reconfigurable Filter Function; Stable Calibration of Raman Lidar Water-Vapor Measurements; Bimaterial Thermal Compensators for WGM Resonators; Root Source Analysis/ValuStream[Trade Mark] - A Methodology for Identifying and Managing Risks; Ensemble: an Architecture for Mission-Operations Software; Object Recognition Using Feature-and Color-Based Methods; On-Orbit Multi-Field Wavefront Control with a Kalman Filter; and The Interplanetary Overlay Networking Protocol Accelerator.
IDRelationTitle20080048000WorkWaveguide Harmonic Generator for the SIM20080047982WorkPolar Traverse Rover Instrument20080048021WorkControl Architecture for Robotic Agent Command and Sensing20080047997WorkMethod for Thermal Spraying of Coatings Using Resonant-Pulsed Combustion20080048005WorkSmall-Body Extensions for the Satellite Orbit Analysis Program (SOAP)20080047988WorkTool for Inspecting Alignment of Twinaxial Connectors20080047994WorkUsing LDPC Code Constraints to Aid Recovery of Symbol Timing20080048012WorkRoot Source Analysis/ValuStream[Trade Mark] - A Methodology for Identifying and Managing Risks20080048009WorkMaking Superconducting Welds between Superconducting Wires20080048003WorkAlgorithm for Wavefront Sensing Using an Extended Scene20080047991WorkSystem for Measuring Flexing of a Large Spaceborne Structure20080047983WorkCore Technical Capability Laboratory Management System20080048002WorkVHF Wide-Band, Dual-Polarization Microstrip-Patch Antenna20080047989WorkObject Recognition using Feature- and Color-Based Methods20080048011WorkVirtual Satellite20080047995WorkDMAC and NMP as Electrolyte Additives for Li-Ion Cells20080047985WorkXML-Based SHINE Knowledge Base Interchange Language20080047999WorkWhispering Gallery Mode Resonator with Orthogonally Reconfigurable Filter Function20080047993WorkExpressions Module for the Satellite Orbit Analysis Program20080048001WorkScripting Module for the Satellite Orbit Analysis Program (SOAP)20080048006WorkThe Interplanetary Overlay Networking Protocol Accelerator20080047992WorkIntegrated Formation Optical Communication and Estimation System20080047996WorkMass Spectrometer Containing Multiple Fixed Collectors20080048014WorkProviding Internet Access to High-Resolution Mars Images20080048004WorkImproved Airborne System for Sensing Wildfires20080048013WorkEnsemble: an Architecture for Mission-Operations Software20080048007WorkBimaterial Thermal Compensators for WGM Resonators20080047987WorkDetecting Phycocynanin-Pigmented Microbes in Reflected Light20080047990WorkOn-Orbit Multi-Field Wavefront Control with a Kalman Filter20080047984WorkMRO SOW Daily Script20080048016WorkHybrid Multifoil Aerogel Thermal Insulation20080048010WorkMars Image Collection Mosaic Builder20080048015WorkExpert System Control of Plant Growth in an Enclosed Space20080047998WorkProviding Internet Access to High-Resolution Lunar Images20080048018WorkOnboard Data Processor for Change-Detection Radar Imaging20080047986WorkStable Calibration of Raman Lidar Water-Vapor Measurements20080047982WorkPolar Traverse Rover Instrument20080047983WorkCore Technical Capability Laboratory Management System20080047984WorkMRO SOW Daily Script20080047985WorkXML-Based SHINE Knowledge Base Interchange Language20080047986WorkStable Calibration of Raman Lidar Water-Vapor Measurements20080047987WorkDetecting Phycocynanin-Pigmented Microbes in Reflected Light20080047988WorkTool for Inspecting Alignment of Twinaxial Connectors20080047989WorkObject Recognition using Feature- and Color-Based Methods20080047990WorkOn-Orbit Multi-Field Wavefront Control with a Kalman Filter20080047991WorkSystem for Measuring Flexing of a Large Spaceborne Structure20080047992WorkIntegrated Formation Optical Communication and Estimation System20080047993WorkExpressions Module for the Satellite Orbit Analysis Program20080047994WorkUsing LDPC Code Constraints to Aid Recovery of Symbol Timing20080047995WorkDMAC and NMP as Electrolyte Additives for Li-Ion Cells20080047996WorkMass Spectrometer Containing Multiple Fixed Collectors20080047997WorkMethod for Thermal Spraying of Coatings Using Resonant-Pulsed Combustion20080047998WorkProviding Internet Access to High-Resolution Lunar Images20080047999WorkWhispering Gallery Mode Resonator with Orthogonally Reconfigurable Filter Function20080048000WorkWaveguide Harmonic Generator for the SIM20080048001WorkScripting Module for the Satellite Orbit Analysis Program (SOAP)20080048002WorkVHF Wide-Band, Dual-Polarization Microstrip-Patch Antenna20080048003WorkAlgorithm for Wavefront Sensing Using an Extended Scene20080048004WorkImproved Airborne System for Sensing Wildfires20080048005WorkSmall-Body Extensions for the Satellite Orbit Analysis Program (SOAP)20080048006WorkThe Interplanetary Overlay Networking Protocol Accelerator20080048007WorkBimaterial Thermal Compensators for WGM Resonators20080048008WorkCoating Reduces Ice Adhesion20080048009WorkMaking Superconducting Welds between Superconducting Wires20080048010WorkMars Image Collection Mosaic Builder20080048011WorkVirtual Satellite20080048012WorkRoot Source Analysis/ValuStream[Trade Mark] - A Methodology for Identifying and Managing Risks20080048013WorkEnsemble: an Architecture for Mission-Operations Software20080048014WorkProviding Internet Access to High-Resolution Mars Images20080048015WorkExpert System Control of Plant Growth in an Enclosed Space20080048016WorkHybrid Multifoil Aerogel Thermal Insulation20080048017WorkCO2 Sensors Based on Nanocrystalline SnO2 Doped with CuO20080048018WorkOnboard Data Processor for Change-Detection Radar Imaging20080048019WorkSHINE Virtual Machine Model for In-flight Updates of Critical Mission Software20080048020WorkAn ATP System for Deep-Space Optical Communication20080048021WorkControl Architecture for Robotic Agent Command and Sensing20080048019WorkSHINE Virtual Machine Model for In-flight Updates of Critical Mission Software20080048020WorkAn ATP System for Deep-Space Optical Communication20080048008WorkCoating Reduces Ice Adhesion20080048017WorkCO2 Sensors Based on Nanocrystalline SnO2 Doped with CuO