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Prognostics for Systems Health Management - Model and Hybrid Based Approaches. Where are We Heading? To facilitate and solve the prediction problem, awareness of the current state and health of the system is key, since it is necessary to perform condition-based system health predictions. To accurately predict the future state of any system, it is required to possess knowledge of its current health state and future operational conditional.

In case of next generation electric aircrafts, computing remaining flying time is safety-critical, since an aircraft that runs out of power (battery charge) while in the air will eventually lose control leading to catastrophe. In order to tackle and solve the prediction problem, it is essential to have awareness of the current health state of the system, especially since it is necessary to perform condition-based predictions. To be able to predict the future state of the system, it is also required to possess knowledge of the current and future operational conditions and flight profiles for accurate estimation of end-of-discharge (EOD) for the batteries.

Similar framework can be implemented to other complex systems and subsystems. Our research approach is to develop a system level health monitoring safety indicator which runs estimation and prediction algorithms to estimate remaining useful life predictions at system, subsystem swell as component levels.

Given models of the current and future system behavior, a general approach of model-based prognostics is discussed as a solution to the prediction problem and further for decision making. Data driven prognostics approaches have been equally used with good results in the past, where respective approaches have their own challenges to tackle. This limits their applicability to complex real-world domains: (a) high complexity or incompleteness of physics-based models and (b) limited representativeness of the training dataset for data-driven models. With the advent of internet of things for data collection and increased use of ML algorithms, hybrid approaches are the next avenue to reduce the challenges and achieve better results.

An hybrid framework for fusing information from physics-based performance models along with deep learning algorithms for prognostics of complex safety critical systems is presented. In this framework, we use physics-based performance models to infer unobservable model parameters related to the system's components health solving a calibration problem.

Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Chetan S Kulkarni
(Wyle (United States) El Segundo, California, United States)
Date Acquired
September 3, 2020
Publication Date
September 9, 2020
Publication Information
Subject Category
Aeronautics (General)
Physics (General)
Meeting Information
Meeting: Intelligent Maintenance Conference 2020
Location: Virtual
Country: CH
Start Date: September 8, 2020
End Date: September 9, 2020
Sponsors: ETH Zurich
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Portions of document may include copyright protected material.
Technical Review
Single Expert
Systems Health Management
Hybrid Approaches
Machine learning
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