Proceedings of the NASA Laboratory Astrophysics WorkshopThis report is a collection of papers presented at the 2006 NASA Workshop on Laboratory Astrophysics held in the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) from February 14 to 16, 2006. This workshop brings together producers and users of laboratory astrophysics data so that they can understand each other's needs and limitations in the context of the needs for NASA's missions. The last NASA-sponsored workshop was held in 2002 at Ames Research Center. Recent related meetings include the Topical Session at the AAS meeting and the European workshop at Pillnitz, Germany, both of which were held in June 2005. The former showcased the importance of laboratory astrophysics to the community at large, while the European workshop highlighted a multi-laboratory approach to providing the needed data. The 2006 NASA Workshop on Laboratory Astrophysics, sponsored by the NASA Astrophysics Division, focused on the current status of the field and its relevance to NASA. This workshop attracted 105 participants and 82 papers of which 19 were invited. A White Paper identifying the key issues in laboratory astrophysics during the break-out sessions was prepared by the Scientific Organizing Committee, and has been forwarded to the Universe Working Group (UWG) at NASA Headquarters. This White Paper, which represented the collective inputs and opinions from experts and stakeholders in the field of astrophysics, should serve as the working document for the future development of NASA's R&A program in laboratory astrophysics.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Weck, Phillippe F. (Nevada Univ. Las Vegas, NV, United States)
Kwong, Victor H. S. (Nevada Univ. Las Vegas, NV, United States)
Salama, Farid (NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
IDRelationTitle20060052458WorkA Brief Summary of Some of the Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop20060052431WorkExperimental and Theoretical Studies of Pressure Broadened Alkali-Metal Atom Resonance Lines20060052438WorkQuenching of Excited Na due to He Collisions20060052460WorkLaboratory Astrophysics: Enabling Scientific Discovery and Understanding20060052435WorkLaboratory astrophysics on ASDEX Upgrade: Measurements and analysis of K-shell O, F, and Ne spectra in the 9 - 20 A region20060052478WorkNew Measurements of Doubly Ionized Iron Group Spectra by High Resolution Fourier Transform and Grating Spectroscopy20060052448WorkData Needs for Stellar Atmosphere and Spectrum Modeling20060052476WorkNew Critical Compilations of Atomic Transition Probabilities for Neutral and Singly Ionized Carbon, Nitrogen, and Iron20060052455WorkEUV-VUV Photolysis of Molecular Ice Systems of Astronomical Interest20060052421WorkLaboratory Measurements of the X-ray Line Emission from Neon-like Fe XVII20060052429WorkMetal Hydride and Alkali Halide Opacities in Extrasolar Giant Planets and Cool Stellar Atmospheres20060052436WorkCritical Evaluation of Chemical Reaction Rates and Collision Cross Sections of Importance in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere and the Atmospheres of Other Planets, Moons, and Comets20060052454WorkFormation of Silicate Grains in Circumstellar Environments: Experiment, Theory and Observations20060052461WorkMestastable State Population in Laser Induced Plasmas20060052469WorkThe Effect of Bonding on the Fragmentation of Small Systems20060052468WorkOscillator Strengths and Predissociation Widths for Rydberg Transitions in Carbon Monoxide20060052457WorkHerschel and the Molecular Universe20060052465WorkLaboratory experiments on interstellar ice analogs: The sticking and desorption of small physisorbed molecules20060052441WorkRecent Excitation, Charge Exchange, and Lifetime Results in Highly Charged Ions Relevant to Stellar, Interstellar, Solar and Comet Phenomena20060052444WorkCalculation of Atomic Data for NASA Missions20060052420WorkAtomic Spectroscopic Databases at NIST20060052434WorkMagnetic-Field Sensitive Line Ratios in EUV and Soft X-ray Spectra20060052446WorkThe Effect of Non-equilibrium Kinetics on Oxygen Chemistry in the Interstellar Medium20060052463WorkLaboratory Astrophysics White Paper20060052443WorkDifficulties in Laboratory Studies and Astronomical Observations of Organic Molecules: Hydroxyacetone and Lactic Acid20060052462WorkNASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop 2006 Introductory Remarks20060052424WorkTHz Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Database for Astrophysics20060052466WorkComets20060052423WorkThe Homunculus: a Unique Astrophysical Laboratory20060052470WorkMeasurements of Electron Impact Excitation Cross Sections at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics20060052437WorkAtomic Oscillator Strengths in the Vacuum Ultraviolet20060052456WorkMeasurements of Polyatomic Molecule Formation on an Icy Grain Analog Using Fast Atoms20060052477WorkStudying Atomic Physics Using the Nighttime Atmosphere as a Laboratory20060052422WorkElectron Impact Excitation Cross Section Measurement for n=3 to n=2 Line Emission in Fe(17+) to Fe(23+)20060052459WorkVibrational and rotational quenching of CO by collisions with H, He, and H220060052425WorkLaboratory Spectroscopy of Large Carbon Molecules and Ions in Support of Space Missions20060052439WorkLaboratory Spectroscopy of CH(+) and Isotopic CH20060052475WorkLaboratory Study of Magnetorotational Instability and Hydrodynamic Stability at Large Reynolds Numbers20060052473WorkDielectronic Recombination In Active Galactic Nuclei20060052472WorkIsotope Effects in Collisional VT Relaxation of Molecular Hydrogen20060052451WorkAstrochemistry and the Role of Laboratory and Theoretical Support20060052453WorkCosmological Implications of the Uncertainty in Astrochemical Rate Coefficients20060052426WorkAccurate VUV Laboratory Measurements of Fe III Transitions for Astrophysical Applications20060052452WorkVisible to Near Infrared Emission Spectra of Electron-Excited H220060052450WorkThe Gaseous Disks of Young Stellar Objects20060052428WorkSensitivity Analysis Applied to Atomic Data Used for X-ray Spectrum Synthesis20060052464WorkLaboratory Studies on the Formation of Carbon-Bearing Molecules in Extraterrestrial Environments: From the Gas Phase to the Solid State20060052427WorkCross Sections for Electron Impact Excitation of Astrophysically Abundant Atoms and Ions20060052440WorkSpin Changing Collisions of Hydrogen20060052447WorkLaboratory Studies of Stabilities of Heterocyclic Aromatic Molecules: Suggested Gas Phase Ion-Molecule Routes to Production in Interstellar Gas Clouds20060052471WorkSub-millimeter Spectroscopy of Astrophysically Important Molecules and Ions: Metal Hydrides, Halides, and Cyanides20060052418WorkAstrochemistry in the Early Universe: Collisional Rates for H on H220060052449WorkLifetimes and Oscillator Strengths for Ultraviolet Transitions in P II, Cl II and Cl III20060052433WorkTargeting Inaccurate Atomic Data in the Eta Car Ejecta Absorption20060052474WorkRecent Selected Ion Flow Tube (SIFT) Studies Concerning the Formation of Amino Acids in the Gas Phase20060052430WorkCollisional Ionization Equilibrium for Optically Thin Plasmas20060052418WorkAstrochemistry in the Early Universe: Collisional Rates for H on H220060052419WorkA Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer for Laboratory Astrophysics; First Interferogram20060052420WorkAtomic Spectroscopic Databases at NIST20060052421WorkLaboratory Measurements of the X-ray Line Emission from Neon-like Fe XVII20060052422WorkElectron Impact Excitation Cross Section Measurement for n=3 to n=2 Line Emission in Fe(17+) to Fe(23+)20060052423WorkThe Homunculus: a Unique Astrophysical Laboratory20060052424WorkTHz Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Database for Astrophysics20060052425WorkLaboratory Spectroscopy of Large Carbon Molecules and Ions in Support of Space Missions20060052426WorkAccurate VUV Laboratory Measurements of Fe III Transitions for Astrophysical Applications20060052427WorkCross Sections for Electron Impact Excitation of Astrophysically Abundant Atoms and Ions20060052428WorkSensitivity Analysis Applied to Atomic Data Used for X-ray Spectrum Synthesis20060052429WorkMetal Hydride and Alkali Halide Opacities in Extrasolar Giant Planets and Cool Stellar Atmospheres20060052430WorkCollisional Ionization Equilibrium for Optically Thin Plasmas20060052431WorkExperimental and Theoretical Studies of Pressure Broadened Alkali-Metal Atom Resonance Lines20060052432WorkNucleosynthesis: Stellar and Solar Abundances and Atomic Data20060052433WorkTargeting Inaccurate Atomic Data in the Eta Car Ejecta Absorption20060052434WorkMagnetic-Field Sensitive Line Ratios in EUV and Soft X-ray Spectra20060052435WorkLaboratory astrophysics on ASDEX Upgrade: Measurements and analysis of K-shell O, F, and Ne spectra in the 9 - 20 A region20060052436WorkCritical Evaluation of Chemical Reaction Rates and Collision Cross Sections of Importance in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere and the Atmospheres of Other Planets, Moons, and Comets20060052437WorkAtomic Oscillator Strengths in the Vacuum Ultraviolet20060052438WorkQuenching of Excited Na due to He Collisions20060052439WorkLaboratory Spectroscopy of CH(+) and Isotopic CH20060052440WorkSpin Changing Collisions of Hydrogen20060052441WorkRecent Excitation, Charge Exchange, and Lifetime Results in Highly Charged Ions Relevant to Stellar, Interstellar, Solar and Comet Phenomena20060052442WorkUse of Laboratory Data to Model Interstellar Chemistry20060052443WorkDifficulties in Laboratory Studies and Astronomical Observations of Organic Molecules: Hydroxyacetone and Lactic Acid20060052444WorkCalculation of Atomic Data for NASA Missions20060052445WorkLaboratory Measurements of the Line Emission from Mid-Z L-Shell Ions in the EUV20060052446WorkThe Effect of Non-equilibrium Kinetics on Oxygen Chemistry in the Interstellar Medium20060052447WorkLaboratory Studies of Stabilities of Heterocyclic Aromatic Molecules: Suggested Gas Phase Ion-Molecule Routes to Production in Interstellar Gas Clouds20060052448WorkData Needs for Stellar Atmosphere and Spectrum Modeling20060052449WorkLifetimes and Oscillator Strengths for Ultraviolet Transitions in P II, Cl II and Cl III20060052450WorkThe Gaseous Disks of Young Stellar Objects20060052451WorkAstrochemistry and the Role of Laboratory and Theoretical Support20060052452WorkVisible to Near Infrared Emission Spectra of Electron-Excited H220060052453WorkCosmological Implications of the Uncertainty in Astrochemical Rate Coefficients20060052454WorkFormation of Silicate Grains in Circumstellar Environments: Experiment, Theory and Observations20060052455WorkEUV-VUV Photolysis of Molecular Ice Systems of Astronomical Interest20060052456WorkMeasurements of Polyatomic Molecule Formation on an Icy Grain Analog Using Fast Atoms20060052457WorkHerschel and the Molecular Universe20060052458WorkA Brief Summary of Some of the Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop20060052459WorkVibrational and rotational quenching of CO by collisions with H, He, and H220060052460WorkLaboratory Astrophysics: Enabling Scientific Discovery and Understanding20060052461WorkMestastable State Population in Laser Induced Plasmas20060052462WorkNASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop 2006 Introductory Remarks20060052463WorkLaboratory Astrophysics White Paper20060052464WorkLaboratory Studies on the Formation of Carbon-Bearing Molecules in Extraterrestrial Environments: From the Gas Phase to the Solid State20060052465WorkLaboratory experiments on interstellar ice analogs: The sticking and desorption of small physisorbed molecules20060052466WorkComets20060052467WorkFluorescence Spectroscopy of Gas-phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons20060052468WorkOscillator Strengths and Predissociation Widths for Rydberg Transitions in Carbon Monoxide20060052469WorkThe Effect of Bonding on the Fragmentation of Small Systems20060052470WorkMeasurements of Electron Impact Excitation Cross Sections at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics20060052471WorkSub-millimeter Spectroscopy of Astrophysically Important Molecules and Ions: Metal Hydrides, Halides, and Cyanides20060052472WorkIsotope Effects in Collisional VT Relaxation of Molecular Hydrogen20060052473WorkDielectronic Recombination In Active Galactic Nuclei20060052474WorkRecent Selected Ion Flow Tube (SIFT) Studies Concerning the Formation of Amino Acids in the Gas Phase20060052475WorkLaboratory Study of Magnetorotational Instability and Hydrodynamic Stability at Large Reynolds Numbers20060052476WorkNew Critical Compilations of Atomic Transition Probabilities for Neutral and Singly Ionized Carbon, Nitrogen, and Iron20060052477WorkStudying Atomic Physics Using the Nighttime Atmosphere as a Laboratory20060052478WorkNew Measurements of Doubly Ionized Iron Group Spectra by High Resolution Fourier Transform and Grating Spectroscopy20060052467WorkFluorescence Spectroscopy of Gas-phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons20060052432WorkNucleosynthesis: Stellar and Solar Abundances and Atomic Data20060052442WorkUse of Laboratory Data to Model Interstellar Chemistry20060052445WorkLaboratory Measurements of the Line Emission from Mid-Z L-Shell Ions in the EUV20060052419WorkA Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer for Laboratory Astrophysics; First Interferogram